171 research outputs found

    \u3cem\u3eRhizobium phaseoli\u3c/em\u3e Symbiotic Mutants with Transposon Tn5 Insertions

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    Rhizobium phaseoli CFN42 DNA was mutated by random insertion of Tn5 from suicide plasmid pJB4JI to obtain independently arising strains that were defective in symbiosis with Phaseolus vulgaris but grew normally outside the plant. When these mutants were incubated with the plant, one did not initiate visible nodule tissue (Nod-), seven led to slow nodule development (Ndv), and two led to superficially normal early nodule development but lacked symbiotic nitrogenase activity (Sna-). The Nod- mutant lacked the large transmissible indigenous plasmid pCFN42d that has homology to Klebsiella pneumoniae nitrogenase (nif) genes. The other mutants had normal plasmid content. In the two Sna- mutants and one Ndv mutant, Tn5 had inserted into plasmid pCFN42d outside the region of nif homology. The insertions of the other Ndv mutants were apparently in the chromosome. They were not in plasmids detected on agarose gels, and, in contrast to insertions on indigenous plasmids, they were transmitted in crosses to wild-type strain CFN42 at the same frequency as auxotrophic markers and with the same enhancement of transmission by conjugation plasmid R68.45. In these Ndv mutants the Tn5 insertions were the same as or very closely linked to mutations causing the Ndv phenotype. However, in two mutants with Tn5 insertions on plasmid pCFN42d, an additional mutation on the same plasmid, rather than Tn5, was responsible for the Sna- or Ndv phenotype. When plasmid pJB4JI was transferred to two other R. phaseoli strains, analysis of symbiotic mutants was complicated by Tn5-containing deleted forms of pJB4JI that were stably maintained

    Evolución de la imagen del Presidente de Estados Unidos en el cine de estereotipos apocalípticos. De Bill Clinton a Barack Obama

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    The Cinema of apocalyptic landscape produced by Hollywood transcodes many features of the socio-political context marked by the 9/11 attacks. Specifically, those films have influenced the representation of one of the national icons in the US: the President himself. This paper explores the connection between the filmic portrait of the presidential institution, on the one hand, and the evolution in the approval rating to the jobs of Bill Clinton and George W. Bush on the other. The last two decades are the framework of this research, and it seeks to identify the contributions of a particular cinematographic genre to the critical depiction of this political figure.El cine de escenario apocalíptico producido por Hollywood en los últimos años ofrece claves del contexto sociopolítico marcado por los atentados del 11S. En concreto, ha modificado la representación de uno de los iconos nacionales estadounidenses: el propio presidente. El presente trabajo explora la conexión entre la imagen fílmica de la institución presidencial, por un lado, y la evolución del apoyo popular a las gestiones de Bill Clinton y George W. Bush por otro. El marco de la investigación se extiende al período 1993-2008, y pretende señalar las aportaciones de un género cinematográfico concreto a la configuración de una imagen crítica

    GHG Savings Calculation: Switch from Electricity Production to Biomethane. Case Study

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    Carbon dioxide is one of the main components of greenhouse gases. The amount of anthropogenic CO2 emissions in the atmosphere reached 37.9 Gt, which is 60 % more than in 1990. The use of CO2 in the production of valuable products can help to reduce the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. Biomethane fuel production could be a successful solution in Latvia as well. The work includes a case study of a Latvian biogas production facility Agro Iecava with a switch from biogas to biomethane production. All calculations are made according to REDcert rules. For biofuel production the Plant uses 13 types of substrates, which is also reflected in the calculation. The work shows a step-by-step algorithm for research and analysis. The experience can be used at other biogas production stations, regardless of its location. The analysis of the Plant shows that switching to biomethane production saves up to 80.34 % of GHG emissions (with an estimated loss during transportation in the network of 1 %). In the worst-case scenario, this amount is 76.34 % (loss from transportation is 5 %), which is also above the minimum indicated in the Renewable Energy Directive

    Calidad de servicio para incrementar la satisfacción del cliente en la Vidrieria M&V E.I.R.L., Jose Leonardo Ortiz 2018

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    El presente estudio de investigación titulado Calidad de servicio para incrementar la satisfacción del cliente en la Vidriería M&V E.I.R.L., José Leonardo Ortiz 2018 Cuenta con el objetivo general, Proponer un plan de capacitación de calidad de servicio para incrementar la satisfacción del cliente en la vidriería M&V E.I.R.L en JLO. Dentro del estudio refiere a una investigación de tipo descriptiva, así mismo cuenta con un diseño no experimental transversal, por otra parte, para la recolección de datos se aplicó la técnica de la encuesta y la herramienta el cuestionario con ítems por cada variable, contando con una población de 10 colaboradores y 20 clientes de la vidriería M&V E.I.R.L en JLO. Posteriormente de realizar el estudio se evidencia la hipótesis, la propuesta de capacitación ayudará a mejorar la calidad del servicio y satisfacción del cliente en la vidriería M&V E.I.R.L. Finalmente, en los resultados del estudio de investigación se identificó la calidad de servicio y el nivel de satisfacción de los clientes, luego se propuso un plan estratégico que ayude a mejorar la calidad de servicio.TesisGestión empresarial y emprendimient

    Estrés laboral y bienestar psicológico en los trabajadores de un centro de salud particular del distrito Los Olivos, 2020

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    La presente investigación realizada tuvo como objetivo general determinar la relación entre el estrés laboral y bienestar psicológico en trabajadores de un centro de salud particular del distrito de Los Olivos, 2020. A través de un estudio correlacional de diseño no experimental, así como de corte transversal. La muestra estuvo conformada de 300 trabajadores entre las edades de 20 a 60 años. El muestreo no probalístico autoelegido. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron el cuestionario de estrés laboral jss de Spielberger y Vagg, así como la escala de bienestar psicológico (BIESPSA) de María Martina Casullo. Los resultados evidenciaron fueron que existe una correlación baja de tipo inverso (r=-,264**) y muy significativo (p<.000) entre estrés laboral y bienestar psicológico, esto quiere decir que a mayor nivel estrés laboral es menor el bienestar psicológico o viceversa

    Gestión financiera en las empresas agroexportadoras: una revisión sistemática en los últimos 10 años

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    Este trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo identificar los principales factores para llevar una adecuada Gestión Financiera en las empresas Agroexportadoras, durante los últimos 10 años, en el Perú. Para ello se ha realizado una revisión sistemática de 40 investigaciones de las cuales 30 se encuentran alineadas con el objetivo planteado. Cabe precisar que hay indistintas páginas las cuales incluyen el rubro de Agroexportación, sin embargo, se ha elegido las que iban alineados al tema. Las bases de datos se obtuvieron de Academia, Refseek y Google Académico. Dentro las limitaciones, se observa que hay poca información sobre la Gestión Financiera en las empresas Agroexportadoras del Perú. Por ello, también se ha considerado países de Latinoamérica. Dentro de los estudios realizados, forman parte de sus variables el financiamiento. Asimismo, daremos a conocer como es la ventana comercial del producto que se desea exportar, es decir en cuál o cuáles de los meses del año existe cosecha del fruto que se exportará. En general las empresas agroexportadoras necesitan de un modelo de gestión de calidad integral, y en la presente investigación se propone un plan de mejora continua, con el objetivo de contribuir al sistema de gestión financiera de la empresa agroexportadora

    Evolving sparsely connected neural networks for multi-step ahead forecasting

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    Time Series Forecasting (TSF) is an important tool to sup- port decision making. Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) are innate candidates for TSF due to advantages such as nonlin- ear learning and noise tolerance. However, the search for the best ANN is a complex task that highly affects the forecast- ing performance. In this paper, we propose a novel Sparsely connected Evolutionary ANN (SEANN), which evolves more flexible ANN structures to perform multi-step ahead fore- casts. This approach is compared with a similar strategy but that only evolves fully connected ANNs (FEANN) and a conventional TSF method (i.e. ARIMA methodology). A set of six time series, from different real-world domains, was used in the comparison. Overall, the obtained results re- veal the proposed SEANN approach as the best forecasting method, optimizing more simpler structures and requiring less computational effort when compared with the fully con- nected evolutionary ANN strategy.Community of Madrid under project CCG10-UC3M/TIC-5174

    Time series forecasting using a weighted cross-validation evolutionary artificial neural network ensemble

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    The ability to forecast the future based on past data is a key tool to support individual and organizational decision making. In particular, the goal of Time Series Forecasting (TSF) is to predict the behavior of complex systems by looking only at past patterns of the same phenomenon. In recent years, several works in the literature have adopted Evolutionary Artificial Neural Networks (EANNs) for TSF. In this work, we propose a novel EANN approach, where a weighted n-fold validation fitness scheme is used to build an ensemble of neural networks, under four different combination methods: mean, median, softmax and rank-based. Several experiments were held, using six real-world time series with different characteristics and from distinct domains. Overall, the proposed approach achieved competitive results when compared with a non-weighted n-fold EANN ensemble, the simpler 0-fold EANN and also the popular Holt–Winters statistical method.This work was supported by University Carlos III of Madrid and by Community of Madrid under project CCG10-UC3M/TIC-5174. The work of P. Cortez was funded by FEDER (program COMPETE and FCT) under project FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-022674

    Evolving time-lagged feedforward neural networks for time series forecasting

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    Time Series Forecasting (TSF) is an important tool to sup- port both individual and organizational decisions. In this work, we propose a novel automatic Evolutionary Time- Lagged Feedforward Network (ETLFN) approach for TSF, based on an Estimation Distribution Algorithm (EDA) that evolves not only Artificial Neural Network (ANN) parame- ters but also which set of time lags are fed into the fore- casting model. Such approach is compared with similar strategy that only selects ANN parameter and the conven- tional TSF ARIMA methodology. Several experiments were held by considering six time series from distinct domains. The obtained multi-step ahead forecasts were evaluated us- ing SMAPE error criteria. Overall, the proposed ETLFN method obtained the best forecasting results. Moreover, it favors simpler neural network models, thus requiring less computational effort.University Carlos IIICommunity of Madrid under project CCG10- UC3M/TIC-5174